Education Team

Lead - Chandini Lord
Co-Lead - Bethany havas
Facebook group: Alchemy and Euphoria Burn EducatorS

The Education & Greeters Team is responsible for the welcome, acculturation and, well, education of all participants as they transition from Default World into the burn event. This team organizes volunteers who provide an exciting, warm, and welcoming experience to participants arriving at Euphoria.

Education's "Salutation Station" is the first point of contact after taking care of the formalities at Gate. Our volunteers and shift leads have the privilege of beginning the experience of Euphoria itself for participants by helping to create the burn “bubble.” This is where many participants set their intentions for the burn, where memories begin and where we get to show our community some love!


Want To Lead Education At A Future Burn?

Below are some expectations and requirements of team leads. Do not be scared by all this stuff! We have pretty solid support and resource systems to help you with this, especially if this is your first time leading a team.

Education Team Lead Expectations:

  • Create innovative and exciting ways to get participants excited about applying the 10 principles during their burn experience

  • Meet and greet Participants as they enter the event

  • Manage and schedule volunteers as needed

  • Education efforts leading up to the burn are highly encouraged!​

General Team Lead Expectations:

  • Attend the monthly Team Lead meetings. If you do not live close enough to Atlanta, we require that you have a Co-Lead who can attend. 

  • Submit a budget for the team.

  • Attend build weekend

  • Set up a volunteer schedule in coordination with the volunteer coordinator.

  • Attend the daily Team Lead meetings during the event.

  • Assign one person (either a Team Lead or an experienced volunteer) to assist with breaking down the team's infrastructure. This team member must remain onsite until their team's assets have been completely broken down and turned over to Teardown/Public Works.

  • Complete post-event report submitted 3 weeks after the event.

  • Attend Radio training