Connexus Team

Lead - corey anne

Connexus is the main information station during the event. We're the ones you want to visit when you have questions and are in need of answers! We rely heavily on participants to stop by and let us know if you wandered upon a cool thing that you think others would want to know about, or maybe you have a theme camp and you're planning to have some fun events. Stop by and let us know so we can add it to our board of events and spread the word! Come share them with the community at Connexus!

A big part of our responsibility is to ensure that all of the volunteer shifts are filled. Want the effigy to burn on time? Stop by and ask if they're in need of more volunteers! If you decide on site that you have more you want to give to the community, Connexus has an up-to-date volunteer schedule where you can write yourself in to pick up a last-minute shift with your favorite (or decently liked) team.
Connexus will handle only SOME Lost & Found items. Significant/valued objects like phones, IDs, keys, glasses, etc. will be handled as responsibly as possible and we will make reasonable efforts to reunite them with their owners. When Connexus closes on Sunday, these lost and found items will be turned over to Rangers. For other items (like backpacks, shoes, decorated cups, and, um, underwear!), we encourage our fellow participants to exercise Radical Self-Reliance and Communal Effort in looking for/holding objects that are lost. However, this service is offered only as a courtesy to the community, and there are no guarantees. Remember the Survival Guide: if it would break your heart for something to be lost or ruined at the burn, leave it at home.

Want To Lead Connexus At A Future Burn?

Below are some expectations and requirements of team leads. Do not be scared by all this stuff! We have pretty solid support and resource systems to help you with this, especially if this is your first time leading a team.

General Team Lead Expectations:

  • Attend the monthly Team Lead meetings. If you do not live close enough to Atlanta, we require that you have a Co-Lead who can attend.

  • Submit a budget for the team.

  • Attend build weekend/week if required for your team.

  • Set up a volunteer schedule in coordination with the volunteer coordinator.

  • Attend the daily Team Lead meetings during the event.

  • Assign one person (either a Team Lead or an experienced volunteer) to assist with breaking down the team's infrastructure. This team member must remain onsite until their team's assets have been completely broken down and turned over to Teardown/Public Works.

  • Complete post-event report submitted 3 weeks after the event.

  • Attend Radio training