Center Camp Team
Lead - coming soon
Center Camp is the home of the Euphoria variety stage as well as a comfy place to chill and get to know fellow Euphorians. The Center Camp team is responsible for scheduling a variety of performers for performance times, as well as any other activities, such as workshops, speakers, parties, and a variety of other interactions that might occur here. Additionally, this team is responsible for decorations, furniture, PA equipment, and other such needs as determined by the team.
Want To Lead Center Camp At A Future Burn?
Below are some expectations and requirements of team leads. Do not be scared by all this stuff! We have pretty solid support and resource systems to help you with this, especially if this is your first time leading a team.
Center Camp Lead Expectations:
Publish and promote all things Center Camp
Actively encourage a variety of performers and hosts to participate
Developing a budget for the team
Preparing a post event report
Establishing a team to assist in the following:
Creating a comfortable, creative, centralized space where burners can create and participate in a variety of activities
Setting up the performance stage
Maintenance of space, including maintaining the PA system, LNT and schedules for performances
Procuring all decorations for the space
Procuring all furniture for the space
General Team Lead Expectations:
Attend the monthly Team Lead meetings. If you do not live close enough to Atlanta, we require that you have a Co-Lead who can attend.
Submit a budget for the team.
Attend build weekend/week if required for your team.
Set up a volunteer schedule in coordination with the volunteer coordinator.
Attend the daily Team Lead meetings during the event.
Assign one person (either a Team Lead or an experienced volunteer) to assist with breaking down the team's infrastructure. This team member must remain onsite until their team's assets have been completely broken down and turned over to Teardown/Public Works.
Complete post-event report submitted 3 weeks after the event.
Attend Radio training